Our Services

Presbyopia is the gradual decline of your eyes’ ability to focus on near objects, causing objects to become blurry for near vision. Many people start to notice they have presbyopia in their 40s, when their eyes slowly lose the ability to focus on things up close. A tell-tale sign is the need to hold reading materials farther away in order to see them clearly.

Has your vision progressively became cloudy and blurry, and have colours seem less vivid than before? Are you experiencing disturbing glare and halos around lights, especially at night? Or, do you have increased difficulty in seeing at night, and need to frequently change your eyeglasses prescriptions? If you are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, you may have developed cataracts.

Glaucoma is the leading cause for irreversible blindness worldwide. Often dubbed as a “silent killer of vision”, it develops without any obvious symptoms in its early stages. By the time the patient has noticed the impairment in their vision, more often than not, it would already have been too late. In fact, as much as 40% of the vision can be lost without the patient noticing it!

Besides specialising in vision correction procedures, we also provide treatments for eye-related medical issues such as: retinal detachment, diabetic eye disease, macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome, eyelid disorders, diabetic retinopathy, pterygium and pingueculate surgery to name a few.
